About me.

I have been creative all my life and sewing since I was a teenager. While I didn’t pursue sewing or fashion as my career, it has continued to be a hobby I have always looked to when going through studying, working, starting a family and the daily stresses that we all face. It is my therapy, my healthy obsession and my creative outlet.

Over the last 15 years I have continued to challenge myself and I’m always learning new ways to progress my sewing to the next level. Tailoring jackets, making corsets, drafting sewing patterns and making professionally made garments. My proudest make is still my wedding dress which I made 5 years ago.

For years now I have been thinking of sharing everything I’ve learnt with my local community in Twickenham, to help others in the same way that this hobby has helped me. I am really passionate that everyone should have a hobby and I really believe you will understand why after taking one of my classes. I think you will be surprised at how achievable it is!

Laura x